We've been following Firemint's SPY mouse for quite a while, in fact, back before it was even called SPY mouse. In the past, Firemint has been very secretive in regards to unleashing any kind of screenshots, or any details at all really, aside from showing it off to a select few at conventions. That's all (well, mostly) over now, and finally you can check out the SPY mouse trailer in all of its glory, and finally get a chance to see what I've been trying to describe in the various Agent Squeak SPY mouse articles from previous events:

Accord to the trailer, SPY mouse will be hitting Summer 2011. This means Firemint has all the way up until September 23rd to release the game and still technically be under their summer release umbrella. Other things we also now know is that there will be 72 levels included at launch spread across six different worlds. As the trailer illustrates, you'll need to snack on cheese and avoid various cats. There's even an array of power ups to help you on your quest. Awesome.

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