On this week's bonus episode of The TouchArcade Show, Eli and I grill the dude behind Kode80 and the game 1-Bit Ninja [$1.99],�Ben Hopkins. Hopkins is a creative guy who, obviously, has a love of retro-style games and, as we discovered, perspective. Our interview spans an insane amount of topics including Hopkins devastating injury and how that is effecting him as a creator and what informed his work on 1-Bit Ninja. I think you'll dig this one.

If you'd like to give us your earholes, you can do so just below via direct download or in-browser streaming. If you'd like to catch these episodes as soon as they're uploaded, you can do so by subscribing to us on the iTunes and the Zune.

iTunes Link: The TouchArcade Show
Zune Marketplace: TouchArcade.com Podcasts
RSS Feed: The TouchArcade Show
Direct Link: TouchArcadeShow-Bonus-018.mp3, 17MB

We'll be back at you with another regular episode (starring Jared Nelson) later this week, so don't get too misty-eyed when you hear Guthrie's sexy strings.

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