We recorded this week's The TouchArcade Show in the interest of keeping you entertained and (maybe up to date on iOS) while traveling during Thanksgiving break. At the top, we dive into Infinity Blade 2 and our coverage of it. Later, we cover Desert Bus, dabble in video game books, and discuss next-gen iPod Touches. Oh! We also get into the latest and hottest news of the week. Hit those show notes for the appropriate links.

We hope you're having a great little holiday. If you're interested in joining us, please feel free to do so via those handy-dandy links just below. Additionally, you could hop aboard the TouchArcade Show Express on iTunes and Zune. These places are the easiest way to get our material day and date, so do it already!

iTunes Link: The TouchArcade Show
Zune Marketplace: TouchArcade.com Podcasts
RSS Feed: The TouchArcade Show
Direct Link: TouchArcadeShow-027.mp3, 40MB

Here's your show notes, and hey, if you've got a question, send it! Our e-mail address is podcast@toucharcade.com.

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