Surely you remember the recent security breach on Twitter that exploited a security hole related to the JavaScript onMouseOver function. That attack caused some problems because it was used for redirecting users to adult websites simply by hovering a mouse over a certain link and calling the onMouseOver function that way.
This new attack wasn't as devastating as the previous one, but it has produced a certain amount of panic among the users, although there weren't many victims like in the previous one. This time, users would get affected simply by clicking the malicious link.

This malicious link was included in a tweet that consisted of "WTF" message and of malicious link. Interesting thing about this link is that is using your Twitter profile to spread itself by posting itself from your Twitter profile, so it's no wonder that this worm has spread on Twitter so quickly.

Luckily, Twitter responded quickly and this malicious link was disabled and the exploit was fixed. Twitter is safe once again, but we all have to ask ourselves, how long will it take until another security breach happens?

[via Ubergizmo]

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