Twitter might be one of the most popular social networking websites today, but it seems that Twitter is not safe as we thought. Since Twitter is one of the leading social networking websites, security should be its main priority, and even though Twitter may seem safe, hackers have still managed to find a security hole and exploit it (like always).

Twitter has more than 100 million of users and this security breach has put them all in danger. It seems that hackers have managed to find a security hole and abuse the JavaScript onMouseOver code. All that you have to do in order to activate this code is to hover over a certain tweet and you'll be automatically directed to a specific website. This is quite dangerous because you can be automatically redirected to a malicious website that can obtain your personal data or to adult websites. Good news for all Twitter users is that this code is only affecting and if you're using Twitter via any other application you're perfectly safe.

Twitter states that they have already patched this issue and that no user information was compromised during the attack. According to the Twitter's safety chief, everything has been patched and it's fully working, but we have to ask ourselves for how long?

This isn't the first time that something like this happened, and you might recall similar attack that occurred in April 2009. We're just hoping that Twitter's security will be improved in future and that they'll deal better with security breaches.

[via Ubergizmo]


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