Photography seems to have suddenly taken a jump in last few years. Move out on roads and you will surely see someone busy clicking photographs and most of the time with DSLRs. With budding photographers in mass numbers, camera making companies have to come up with camera�accessories�to make things more interesting.

Tapping into the ever growing market, Canon has launched a Cross Media Station for those who feel lazy when it comes to downloading photographs from their memory cards or when it comes to charging their camera batteries.

Though we didn't get to see a lot of this during this year's Photokina and I am not sure why Canon didn't use the mass media coverage then to launch such products but it surely has made it public now. Though the Cross Media Station will look something like a scanner but it actually turns out to be a charging station.

Setup your camera up on its dock and you will see a blue light charging your lovely camera. While the charging functionality will revitalise your cameras, the amazing downloading feature will grab all your images and categorise them based on time, place and recognisable faces and that sounds fantastic. Welcome to the world of advanced photography. We can't wait to find out the pricing info on this latest device.

[via Engadget]

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