I can't think of a better headline than this one. I love Puzzle Quest 2 [$4.99]… and I love seamless online multiplayer via Game Center. I doubt I'm alone in that, so make sure you grab the latest PQ2 update as soon as you can find some fast WiFi today somewhere that you can stick around long enough to download all 576MB worth of goodness. If you're not into playing online and would prefer to play locally with a friend, Namco has you covered too. In addition to Game Center multiplayer, you can also play via both WiFi and Bluetooth.

Multiplayer can be played two ways: With a hero of your own that you have saved from the single player campaign, or using randomly generated heroes of whatever class you chose. If you chose random heroes, you can select low, medium, or high level characters and in both game modes you can set a turn timer anywhere from 5, 10, 20 seconds or none at all.

Multiplayer works very well aside from two minor issues which sort of play off of each other to snowball into a major issue. First off, it seems like games take entirely too long. Even with low level characters and attentive players, chopping through the 100 or so hit points you start with takes 10-15 minutes and I can't imagine how long it would take to get through a game with high level characters who come loaded with upwards of 500 hit points. Currently, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of players playing online either.

These two things together make it very difficult to get matched up into a random game as it seems that the limited pool of players combined with the fact that there isn't much player turnover because you need to get involved in 10+ minute games to play. I'd love to see some kind of "sudden death" game mode or something like that which is limited to something like 5 minutes, or with characters that have even fewer hit points.

Either way, I'm just glad that Namco is still updating Puzzle Quest 2. And if you haven't played the game yet, check out our review and if nothing else, give the free version of the original a try. The Puzzle Quest series is a ton of fun.

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