The most recent update to�Two Worlds II Castle Defense [$4.99 / Lite/�HD / HD�Lite] for the iPad is as curious as the fact that the game is even receiving updates, considering that it's a weak tie-in title for a niche, PC-focused RPG series. But anyway, the overhead strategy game has just received head-tracking by the way of the iPad 2's front-facing camera. According to a press release, the title now recognizes the position of your 'eyes' and changes the perspective of the in-game camera accordingly.

The example that's being throw around for its application are, simply, corners. Apparently, you'll now be able to see around them � if you're playing the game with an iPad 2 and move around your head as the tracking demands.

"Right now we are adapting the system for more platforms like PC or Mac and will also present some challenging 3D surprises within the next couple of months," TopWare Interactive's CEO, Dirk Hassinger, said in a statement.

This update is, of course, free, but this technology support has even been added to the Lite version of the title. So, if you want to give it a spin and haven't taken the plunge, you can for the price of $0, which seems fair. I'd also like to add that we're now one or two steps closer to Judgement Day.

[Via Joystiq]

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