We've seen all sorts of geeky and weird gadgets, but this is probably one of the weirdest gadgets that we saw recently. This device is called Toast Clock, and as you can guess by its name, it combines toast and a clock into a single device.

Although Toast Clock looks like a slice of toasted bread, it's not eatable, although it looks delicious. Instead, this device is designed to work as a standard clock that you can put on your table or on your kitchen wall. Everything about this clock looks great, from its crusty surface to jam-like colored numbers. Designers really did their job well, and we have to mention that this clock comes in two sizes: the regular toast size and in extra-large size.

Toast Clock looks great, and so far, we don't have any information about pricing. As for availability, Toast Clock is available for online order, but it's only available in Japan.

[via Ubergizmo]

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