Google's social network, Google+ has been open to public for a while, and if you're new to Google+, you're probably having some difficulties when it comes to finding new and interesting people. Luckily for you, Google has added a new feature to Google+ that allows you to share your circles with your friends.

Now, if you have a specific circle of friends that you want to share with someone, you can do so in just a few clicks. In you want to share a specific circle with someone, you just need to go to your circles page, select the circle that you want and click the share button. After that, you can add a following message and choose with whom you want to share that circle.

This new feature isn't spectacular, but it can help any new user on Google+ to expand the number of his friends easily, so if you haven't tried this feature, make sure you do.

[via Ubergizmo]

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