We've done a lot of things in zombie games over the last decade and survival has been the key ingredient in 99.9 percent of them. Action Mobile Games' 2013: Infected Wars isn't going to set the world on fire with its atypical focus on zombie survival and its same-y premise, but it is a game that we think you should take mental note of. Developed with UDK Mobile, it's a competent-looking third-person shooter with a great visuals and the promise of carnage, as it boasts a bunch of zombie-chopping weaponry, as well as tons of guns.

In the game, you'll play as a post-apocalyptic survivor of a zombie virus who moonlights as a mercenary hired to grab supplies amidst a near-complete zombie take-over. At your side will be your trusty guns, as well as a few friends � 2013 will allow for co-op over the 'net.

We don't have a release quite yet, but considering this is alpha footage and all, I wouldn't expect it to hit within the immediate future. We'll definitely keep our all-seeing eye turned towards this as it shambles towards release, though, and give you what we can.

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