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According to a new study by Columbia Universitys Earth Institute, the majority of Americans do not know how to save and conserve energy, taking small steps that lead to little pay-offs while ignoring items that provide for impact for the environment. Researchers surveyed people in 34 states and found that only 2- to 3- percent of Americans knew the best ways to conserve energy, such as purchasing fuel-efficient vehicles with higher MPG ratings, buying energy-efficient appliances, and weatherizing homes such as installing double-paned windows. These major steps lead to dramatic pay-offs whereas most Americans--20% in fact--think that turning off lights when not in use is the best approach. Researchers say thats just the beginning, though turning off lights really leads to little savings in electricity consumption.

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Researchers concluded that most Americans take immediate steps--turning off lights--and ignore steps that lead to sustainable conservation that may require more up-front expense and effort, such as buying energy-efficient appliances and cars. The study also says that environmental groups and the government fail to convey the more important measures of energy conservation, like replacing old lightbulbs with energy-efficient ones.

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