A couple weeks ago Caves second bullet hell shooter joined Espgaluda II [$8.99 / Free] on the App Store. Dodonpachi Resurrection [$8.99 / Free] is a very different beast, as we mentioned in our review, so its really hard to say which is the better game. Both are definitely worth trying if youre even remotely curious in the bullet hell genre, as Cave did an absolutely fantastic job porting both games to the iPhone.

Much like Espgaluda II, Dodonpachi Resurrection only runs on 3rd generation hardware and newer. First and second generation iPod touch owners, as well as iPhone 3G and older iPhones wont be capable of running either the free or pair versions of the game. If you do own a compatible device, you should really give Dodonpachi Resurrection Lite a try. The controls work great, the scoring system explained in our review is incredible, and playing either of Caves games really just make you want their entire lineup available on the App Store.

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