""Capcom's Street Fighter IV [$9.99] not only is proving to be a fantastic fighter for the iPhone, but also one of the best supported games we've seen from big-name developers who historically haven't had that great of a track record when it comes to free content updates. We loved the game when it was first released, as evident in our review. Since then, both Cammy and Zangief have been added, and this most recent update includes E.Honda and C.Viper. Each come with two costumes, their own associated set of moves, and combos to master. Also included are some new costumes for Ryu and Chun-Li available via in-app purchase.


If you haven't picked up Street Fighter IV yet, now is a fantastic time to get on board. Capcom did an amazing job adapting the controls to the touchscreen of the iPhone, the graphics look great, and you really can't argue about four additional characters being added since release for free. Hopefully Capcom keeps the update train rolling.

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