The last match of FoneArena Smartphone Championship was between the EVO 4G and Samsung Galaxy S, both are known as the one of the best smartphones, but unfortunately there is always only one winner, and the winner is Samsung Galaxy S. We got a total of 2,714 votes, in which Samsung Galaxy S got 1,534 votes, and the EVO got 1,180. Well, that was close.

A few days ago, we saw the SE Xperia X10 winning from the HTC Desire with a big margin, and the Droid from the Blackberry Bold 9700, and now it's between the SE Xperia X10 and Motorola Droid, and the winner will face the Galaxy S. So before voting, check out the specs of SE Xperia X10 and Motorola Droid, then choose your favorite.

So folks on your marks, get set, VOTE!

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