It was just a couple weeks ago that the highly anticipated top-down racer Reckless Racing hit the App Store. We really enjoyed the game in our review, noting that it was one of the most gorgeous racing games that we have seen and the arcade-style gameplay was a ton of fun. Despite being kind of light on content, Reckless Racing was a solid purchase for the launch price of $2.99. Now it's become an even better value, as EA and Pixelbite have decided to drop the price of Reckless Racing for the iPhone to 99� for a limited time.

At this price, Reckless Racing is a must download. The iPad version remains at its original price of $4.99, so if you own two devices and currently only have the iPad version then it would also be a great time to double dip and pick up the iPhone/iPod touch version for just a dollar. You can check out our original review of Reckless Racing or visit the thread in our forums for more information, gameplay videos, and impressions and we'd definitely recommend taking advantage of this 99� sale while it lasts.

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