Ask a software engineer how exciting his life is and under 90% of�circumstances�you might get beaten up due to shear frustration. With extra working hours and intense dead lines the job of Software Engineers is no way less adventurous than that of an army personal.

I never expected that kids out there might be dreaming to become software engineers but somehow the makers of Barbie think that they do. Henceforth, they have come up with Barbie that styles to be a software engineer and carries an iPhone.

The pink version of the newly styled software engineer carries a cute looking pink laptop which is loaded with some kind of custom Barbie operating system. Barbie has always been an intense tech geek since her childhood so this is not really a surprise but sporting to be a software engineer for the�glamor�doll might just look a bit odd.

Parents who have kids (girls of course considering that boys aren't interested in Barbie dolls) can buy the software engineer doll for just $12 which I think is reasonable deal to inspire your kids brain.

[via Engadget]

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