Here's something awesome: You can rock out Max Adventure [$.99] with a projector, TV, or any other video display device with a VGA input and a Apple Dock to VGA adapter. (It also might work with the component and composite adapters as well, but Imangi hasn't had a chance to test them � let us know if you own either of these cables and are able to get it going.)

To show you how, Imangi Studios has released a neat little YouTube tutorial video about these "video-out" capabilities � tech-speak for "yo, you can plug a cable in your thing to make a game work on a TV or whatever." Check it out!

This capability isn't new by any stretch, but only a small number of iOS games take advantage of it. Each time a really good game like Max Adventure adopts the tech, we get excited like we just found a Zero bar buried in our couch.

Max Adventure's video-out, by the way, runs natively at that projector's full screen resolution, which is 1024�768. We're told the actual implementation of it was pretty easy � Imangi was able to drop it into Max Adventure in a day. The possibilities!

Of course, totally wireless iPhone-to-TV would be better, right? That's something Imangi is thinking about. The studio told us that it wants to develop for Apple TV so it could stream content over AirPlay. And while there's no solid way to do that with the SDK as it is, Apple could, theoretically, write up some APIs that would allow real-time streaming in lower resolutions similar to how OnLive operates. The needed hardware is, apparently, already in the iPhone 4, according to Imangi.

In case I lost you there, no worries. I was just spitting out some stuff about grey magicks and tech voodoo that I don't even completely understand. What I do get, though, is that Max Adventure is pretty rockin', so give that a check if you're in the mood for a game.

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