If you're using Gmail and other great web services that Google Offers you might be concerned about your privacy and safety, but recently, Google decided to increase its security with two-step verification for its users.

If you're concerned that a malicious users can get your login details and access your Google information, the two-step verification might be the right thing for you. In order to log in with two-step verification, you have to type your login details and after that, you need to type a special code that is sent to you as a SMS.

As you can see, this will make hacking of your account a lot harder since hackers need to have your cellphone in order to enter the confirmation code. As for the verification it can be remembered on a specific computer for 30 days or generate codes for specific applications. The main downside? You'll have to have Android, Blackberry or iPhone for it.

[via Nexus404]

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