Even developers who don't normally fiddle with their prices are now fiddling with their prices. For the first in almost two years, Imangi Studios tells us, the price of Imangi: The Game [Free] has been dropped. But get this: it's free and will remain so for "the foreseeable future."

When we took a look at the game back in 2008, we praised the word game's hook. It's something of a cross between Scrabble and a Rubik's Cube � you're presented with a cluster of lettered tiles that you need to arrange in as many words as possible horizontally and vertically with mighty swipes of columns.

It's a neat game and, well, pretty popular amongst the word game and puzzle crowd. So popular, in fact, that the husband and wife crew who created it were able to eventually build a company around the success of it and their other titles. Dig Max Adventure [$2.99] ? Thank Imangi.

Check out this video of the game in action to get a better sense of what I'm talking about if I failed you with words.

Or, hey, just go download it. It's free! Duh.

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