We've often received criticism from readers that they're tired of paying too little for games on the App Store. When you own a piece of premium electronics like the iPhone, the iPod touch, or even the iPad, scrubbing around for price drop alerts and freebie Fridays just seems so… passé. If you consider yourself among the App Store elite, consider playing these games which bring new meaning to the phrase "premium pricing" whilst sunning yourself on your yacht this weekend:

Buddy Repperton Gold, $399.99 - Why simply play a sports game when you can bet real world money on them instead? Well, with the help of Buddy Reperton you're going to be getting the hottest, most elite, premium sports picks in the land.

Crossword Pro Service Update, $99.99 - The developers warn that this hundred dollar version of Crossword Pro [$6.99] is just an update to an existing app, but we all know that isn't true. Why restrict yourself to the crossword game of the proles when you can opt to spend substantially more money on a better, premium game experience?

Happyville, $99.99 - When you're among the financial elite, playing free farming games like Farmville, We Rule and others is just beneath you. Flop out a benjamin for the ultimate in iOS farming. Does Farmville have elephants, dragons, and other mythical beasts? ...I don't know, probably, actually.

Hot Farm, $69.99 - Shockingly similar to Happyville, Hot Farm provides a somewhat similar farming experience, but at the discounted price of $69.99 instead of the standard $99.99 of Happyville. Still premium, but for the conservative high roller we recommend giving this one a shot.

Smurfs' Village, Free - While at first glance this might just seem like a free app that you'd typically avoid, looking for something with a little more status to it, you would be making a grave mistake. You see, there is no limit to how much money you can spend on Smurfs' Village and Capcom even made it conducive to the discerning high roller by offering a $99.99 bundle of IAP Smurfberries. Better yet, there's no limit to how many of these bundles you can buy.

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