There are all sorts of malicious apps, viruses and scams online, especially if you're accessing the internet with your smartphone for more personally tasks such as online banking, but luckily, there's a way to keep yourself safe even while you're surfing the web with your mobile device.

Company Lookout and Sprint have launched Lookout Premium Safe Browsing for Android phones that should protect you from phishing scams and other online threats. This app comes with Safe Browsing feature that will protect you at all times by scanning URLs that you visit. That way, this app will warn you about websites that may endanger your safety and privacy online.

Since this app offers you a decent amount of protection, you can feel more at ease when surfing, sending emails and text messaging about your safety and privacy. In addition, since this app is cloud-based, the database of malicious URLs is constantly being updated, so you don't have to worry about updating as well.

Lookout Premium is unfortunately not free and costs $29.99 a year or $2.99 a month, but there's also a free version from the Android Market that doesn't have the Safe Browsing feature, so you can try that one as well.

[via Ubergizmo]

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