On this week's BONUS episode of TAS, Eli and Brad grill the brothers Marsh, the two co-owners of the two-man studio NimbleBit. You know these guys, right? We've been raving about Tiny Tower [Free] for a couple of weeks now, and in the past, we've said many a good word about their other titles like Pocket Frogs [Free], Scoops [Free] and more.

We hit several awesome points in an otherwise offbeat discussion revolving around the studio, how it got started, forgotten NimbleBit games like Zero Gear, what informs the Marshs' idea of how to execute a free-to-play game, and Jon Romero. Turns out that even though Dave worked with the man, he never got the chance to oil his hair. Seems like a missed opportunity to us.

There's a number of ways you can listen, either by subscribing either on iTunes or the Zune Marketplace, direct to our RSS feed. Alternatively, if you're not into the whole automatic download scene, you can grab the raw MP3 or just listen to the flash player embedded below:

iTunes Link: The TouchArcade Show
Zune Marketplace: TouchArcade.com Podcasts
RSS Feed: The TouchArcade Show
Direct Link: TouchArcadeShow-Bonus-003.mp3, 19MB

Next week we'll be chilling with Halfbrick, so feel free to throw us any questions you may or may not have about the studio. You get extra credit from us the more offbeat and odd the question is.

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