If you're worried that you might miss your bus stop for some reason you could always use Travelnapp, its an app that should remind you that you're reaching your desired destination, so called � GPS alarm clock.

Travelnapp is a Windows Phone 7 app developed by James Mundy, a Physics student at Sheffield University, and this app is actually a unique alarm clock. Unlike other alarm clocks, Travelnapp doesn't rely on time, instead it relies on GPS sensor. All that you have to do to set it is to enter a certain distance from your desired location, and this app will alert you when you've passed this marker. This app can even plot a map of your route, by calculating your estimated time of arrival and average speed, and it should be able to work underground although not with 100% accuracy.

Travelnapp is available for download from the Marketplace, and you can get it free of charge.

[via Ubergizmo]

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