Crescent Moon Games missed a fantastic opportunity to help everyone on the PAX Prime exodus have something to do on their respective trips, but it is throwing a sale for the rest of us who need something to do… over the weekend, I suppose? On the toilet? While waiting for Deus Ex: Human Revolution to load?

Anyway, kicking off tomorrow, August 26, the publisher is hacking at the prices of its catalogue of RPGs and offering them all for a meagre $.99. In the case of most of titles, this will be a savings of several dollars for games that should keep you occupied for hours and hours on end.

Here's the list and the prices of what these games will be tomorrow:

The iPhone version of Pocket RPG [$4.99], which is making its debut tomorrow, will also be listed at $.99 and join in on this deal. We're not sure what the normal price of the app will be otherwise, though I'd imagine you'll at least be saving a dollar here.

If I may suggest, Aralon seems to be the steal here. Granted, it's a little clunky, but overall it's an entertaining and deep RPG experience. Above all, though, it's like nothing else on the platform, and that kind of novelty has its draws, too.

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