Hey it's Wednesday again! This week is especially fabulous, not only because of a whole heck of a lot of great iPhone games coming tonight, but also because of great console games. MW3 yesterday, but more importantly, Skyrim on Friday… In fact, we might just have to hang one of these "Will Return" signs up on TouchArcade when everyone gets their copies.

I fear Brad has already been lost to the world of Skyrim.

Anyway, here's what you've got to look forward to tonight at 11:00 PM Eastern, or potentially much earlier if you're east of our side of the planet:

Asteroids Gunner, Free - Forum Thread - This game looks suspiciously similar to Space Miner, which I suppose makes a lot of sense considering that Space Miner was also inspired by Asteroids.

Blueprint 3D, 99� - Forum Thread - I'm super stoked for this game. You rotate blueprints in 3D to put together the correct images. It sounds like a more complicated version of eBoy FixPix.

Chocohero, $1.99 - Forum Thread - The latest game from Com2uS only further reinforces my belief that cakes are jerks. You play as Chipster, and try to escape the imprisonment of cakes and free your friends. Sounds like an episode of Adventure Time.

Corpse Granny, 99� - Forum Thread - There are a bazillion physics-centric puzzle games on the App Store, but have you played one yet that involves killing zombies?

EPOCH, $5.99 - Forum Thread - We already extensively previewed this game, and now you can see what all the fuss is about. It's a cover-based shooter that's just great.

Evertales, 99� - Forum Thread - Crescent Moon Games teams up with Thunder Game Works to release this radical-looking side-scrolling beat-em-up. 3 characters, massive boss fights, iCloud, AirPlay, 99� sale, need I go on?

Gangstar Rio: City of Saints, $6.99 - Forum Thread - It's Gameloft's next iteration in the Gangstar series. Predictably, this looks to be better than the previous installment, although it remains to be seen how it will stack up against the inevitable release of Grand Theft Auto III.

INC, $1.99 - Forum Thread - From the creators of Meganoid and Stardash comes another awesome side-scroller. The art style looks cool, and please don't let the blurry video throw you off. I know first hand how irritatingly difficult it is to shoot good iPad video.

Ninja Throw, 99� / Universal HD - If there's a limit to the number of physics puzzle games the App Store can hold, Chillingo is going to find it. This one focuses around tossing ninja stars, and the bouncy clouds make it look like things get pretty crazy in later levels.

Rocket Riot HD, 99� - Forum Thread - This seems to be a pixel-powered action game that seems highly reminiscent of a 2D version of the old Rocket Arena mod for Quake if there's anyone out there that still remembers that.

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