There's no need to mention that Google is most used search engine today, but what about others? Google might be dominant search engine but that doesn't stop the other search engines from competing. Market share has changed a bit and it seems that Bing is now the second most used search engine in the US.

That's right, Bing has just overtaken Yahoo and now it's in second place as the most popular search engine. We can say that Bing has gained great popularity and its popularity rose from 13.6% to 13.9% in August. As for Yahoo, its market share declined from 14.3 percent to 13.1 percent, and after that drop, Bing has overtaken it.

As for Google, its market share grew from 64.2% to 65.0% percent in July. This might be a huge success for Bing and Microsoft but even if Bing is second it still isn't much competition with Google. Even if Yahoo and Bing combined their market share it still wouldn't match even half of Google's share. This is a great success for Microsoft, but we have to ask ourselves, what's next?

Despite this amazing success, Google still stands as the dominant search engine, and we can only wonder what makes us use Google more? Will Microsoft go for number one and will it try to overtake Google? Its possible, but we're honestly doubting that will happen anytime soon.

[via Ubergizmo]


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