Intel is the leading manufacturer of processors but besides processors, Intel is working on notebooks as well. Intel has decided to revamp its Clamshell Classmate by turning it into a more rugged notebook that can work in harsh environment with ease.

Rugged notebooks have always been popular because they provide you with damage protection and besides that, they allow you to work in harsh conditions as well. Up until now much of rugged PCs have been dominated by Panasonic's Toughbooks, but this may change soon. The new enhanced Clamshell Classmate will provide you protection from desktop drops and rough handling. In order to provide further protection this laptop has built-in crush zones and air cushions around fragile areas such as corners or the display.

Besides that, Clamshell Classmate comes with water resistant keyboard, display, and touchpad so you won't have to worry about water spills because this improved model can take up to 100cc of juice spill. In addition, this laptop will protect you from bacteria, mold, and other microorganisms because it has a antimicrobial coating on its keyboard and touchpad. Besides improved damage, water and bacteria protection Clamshell Classmate have also got decent specs to offer. This notebook comes with power-efficient motherboard, 45nm Atom CPU, and six-cell battery that can provide whole day usage with just a single charge. Additional hardware specifications remain undisclosed.

[via Ubergizmo]


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