This might be a bit late considering we are talking about the place where technology takes birth. In a recent press release Senator Snowe has introduced to the legislation the ideas to enhance the wireless coverage within Federal structures to fight the spectrum crunch.

"With over 276 million wireless subscribers across our nation and growing demand for wireless broadband, it is imperative that we take steps to improve wireless communication capacity and this legislation will make measurable progress towards that goal," said Senator Snowe. "Given that approximately 60 percent of mobile Internet use and 40 percent of cell phone calls are completed indoors, utilizing technologies such as wi-fi and femtocells will dramatically improve coverage."

The idea to make such installations mandatory can prove to be�revolutionary�for various centers in the United States if it is implemented successfully. It's argued that installing femtocells at those locations would improve reception indoors, lighten network loads in busy areas, and expand accessibility for more rural locales.

The Federal Wi-Net bill has requested for a $15 million budget for the installation and�maintenance�which includes future installs of various hardware. Well, any bidders who want to get lucky?

[view Engadget]

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