iPhone App Store has plenty of apps and we need to not discuss the amazing functionality that these offer but the upcoming SlowDown iPhone app is surely all set to make a buzz out their amongst those parents who don't want their kids to overspeed their cars. This app slows down your iPhone music unless you actually slow down your car to the set limit.

SlowDown is the product of Belgian Organization OVK, which happens to be a collection of Parents of those children who were killed in road accidents. The app runs on the very basic idea of forcing you to stop when you are overspeeding your car with music running loud on your iPhone.

People usually tend to listen to loud music while driving fast as it helps them stay pumped up. Henceforth, this app slows down your loud music whenever you start speeding up your car. It even tends to shut down your music if you cross some stipulated�threshold. The music will be turned back to normal when you slow down your car.

We are not sure if this works with every 4 wheeler but this surely happens to be an attractive concept.

[via Killer Startups]

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