Over the years we saw all sorts of gaming consoles and controllers, but today we have something special that might make you eat your controller. Since holiday season is coming, we've got some tasty controllers that we wanted to share with you, so try not to eat them, at least not yet.

Holidays are that special part of the year when we see all sorts of treats, cookies, and cakes, and it seems that everybody gets their treats for holidays, so why shouldn't gamers get their treat as well? This year is special, and all the gamers are going to get their tasty treats in form of controllers. Today we have several cookies that represent controllers from most popular gaming consoles. We have two PS3 controllers, two Wii Remotes and a single Xbox 360 controller. We don't know how these cookies taste, but we're certain that they look amazing.

These cookies look great, and if you want to have geeky holidays, perhaps you can make something like this as well?

[via Technabob]

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