Christmas is just a day away, and with a ton of people sure to have shiny new iOS devices waiting for them under the tree there will no doubt be a lot of people looking for games to try out on their latest toy. While we'll be highlighting all of the best iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad games from 2010 in future posts, there are currently a ton of deals to be had on both new and old games alike.

Indie Games Holiday Sale � We posted about this sale a few days ago, but it's worth mentioning again. Six fantastic games from independent developers, all priced at 99�, with one third of the proceeds going to Child's Play Charity. Every game on this list is excellent, and worth owning or gifting to an iOS-toting friend or family member:
  • Drop7, (Universal) $2.99 ? 99�

EA Mobile � Another sale that we've posted about previously, but EA has added some additional titles effectively putting everything they have on the App Store at a discount. Check out this massive list of 99� games from EA, and note the additional titles on sale below:
Capcom -
Square Enix -
Sega -
Namco -
Miscellaneous Sales -

During the annual App Store lockdown that should last from today until next Thursday, these prices should remain in effect. But, as always, the App Store is a strange mistress, and it's always best to double check that the prices you see here are still current before purchasing. Of course, the best way to stay current on updates and price drops is to use the universal AppShopper app [Link],, or our Price Drops and Freebies forum. But you already knew that, didn't you? Hopefully everyone finds at least something on this list to purchase, and saves a bit of money in the process. Happy holidays and happy gaming!

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