Here at GDC 2011 I sat down with Gian Cruz from Feel Every Yummy to check out their new game WordFighter. Basically WordFighter is a word game like Boggle or Scrabble with an added fighting game component layered on top. Players will "fight" each other by creating words from a 5�5 grid of letters over 3 timed rounds. Each letter has a point value and the total value of created words determines the damage dished out to your opponent. As you create more words you'll earn special bonuses to use which vary amongst the planned 6 characters. These will either heighten your own offensive exploits by giving your increased damage or make things harder for your opponent's endeavors by mixing up the game board or forcing them to spell words backwards.

The concept works incredibly well even in this pre-alpha version of WordFighter. The plan is to offer typical local multiplayer options, same device multiplayer on the iPad, and online multiplayer for all versions in both real-time and asynchronous turn-based fashion similar to Words With Friends [$2.99/Lite/HD]. Eventually an Android version of the game will allow for cross-platform play between iOS and Android users. The same device iPad multiplayer is especially fun as you're literally elbow-to-elbow with your opponent frantically making words and dealing damage to each other, as you can see in the following video.

WordFighter is still in a really early state, and may even undergo a complete art style overhaul before its final release, using stylized versions of characters from popular literary works rather than anime style fighting game characters. Despite how the game ends up looking, the core concept is a lot of fun, and if Feel Every Yummy can find a way to offer a solid turn-based online multiplayer experience then WordFighter could end up being a hit. We'll have more on WordFighter in the coming months as development continues towards its planned Summer release.

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