If you were having issues downloading the latest episodes of our podcast, here's some good news: Our iTunes feed is now working. It's finally pumping out hot pod content just as the gods intended. It's also available on Zune. You're welcome, ears.

We were having some brief technical difficulties which prevented the feed from being updated, but everything is good to go now. You can now download the second and the third episode of the TouchArcade Show via the iTunes music store. Both are free, so there's not much reason not to.

While I have you, if you could do us solid, I'd love for you to rate us on iTunes. Ideally, I'd love to see a ton of five star "you guys are the greatest, I want to stroke Jared's beard" reviews… but I would understand if you opted to be somewhat sober about the whole thing. Either way, your reviews will help establish the podcast on the store and give us even more listeners and POWER.

As always, we're easy to reach. If you'd like to blast us a question through the Internet, hit us up at podcast@toucharcade.com. You can also hit us up via the Twitters and the Facebooks, too, if you're into the whole social media thing.

Oh � and if you've got any feedback, let 'er rip in the comments below.

iTunes Link: The TouchArcade Show
Zune Marketplace Link: TouchArcade.com Podcasts

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