The Apple Design Awards are an annual event hosted at WWDC that seeks to recognize the best of the best applications and games across whatever Apple platforms Apple wants to elevate. In 2010 the Mac was snubbed, but in 2011 Apple flipped the script and gave it a place amongst the other two relevant platforms: the iPad and the iPhone.

The results of 2011's awards show are now public. In the interest of our interests, we'll be highlighting just the games that took the fancy little trophy Apple gave to winners. A few listing can be seen at sites like, say, TUAW.


Cut the Rope [$.99 / HD] � Chillingo
Infinity Blade [$5.99] � Chair Entertainment


Anomaly: Warzone Earth [$6.99], � 11-Bit Studios


Osmos [$2.99 / HD], � Hemisphere Games

Infinity Blade and Cut the Rope are two fantastic titles that really stress the strengths of the platform. Both feel native and original and benefit from the unique platform. These are well-deserved winners, for sure.

Anomaly: Warzone Earth is a firm example of what you can do with a limited budget and a great idea. It's a gorgeous "in reverse" tower defense title in which you're charged with taking down towers with a small group of minions. Warzone Earth is geeked out with all sorts of fun sub-systems and unique points of design. This was a solid choice, too.

Osmos, on the other hand, is a laid-back experience that doesn't require much from the owner. It's an ambient game that looks beautiful and plays just as well on the iPad as it does on the PC and the Mac. Good one on Apple for recognizing this.

According to TUAW, the winners in these categories have are receiving a Macbook Air, an iPad 2, and an iPod Touch in addition to their trophy. I wonder if anyone at Chair is in a position to need free tech. From the sound of it, Apple should have given them flippers to swim through the pool of cash below the office.

[via TUAW]

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