If you think that the war between Sony and PS3 hackers is over, you're quite wrong. Restraining orders against Geohot and rootkits in latest PS3 firmware weren't enough for Sony, and therefore, Sony has decided to take further drastic measures.

It doesn't matter that Geohot got restraining order because Sony decided to hunt down anybody that posts links to the PS3 jailbreak code that has been present on the internet for some time. It seems that Sony is quite serious and its even forcing Google to handover IP addresses of the people that have commented or even viewed YouTube videos of famous PS3 hacker Geohot.

This entire process is a bit drastic, and by giving IP addresses, Sony and Google will seriously violate the privacy of their users, not to mention that this drastic process will cost both companies their users' trust. It seems that Sony is determined to do whatever it takes including violating your privacy online, like if putting a rootkit in your PS3 wasn't violating your privacy enough.

[via Ubergizmo]

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