While PopCap Games is content to leave all unpleasantries to its 4th & Battery division, the good-hearted portion of the company is helping to enrich the life of 9-year old Owain Weinert, according to Kotaku. Partnering with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, who have a long history of helping children stricken with life-threatening illnesses to realize their dreams, PopCap has recruited young Owain as lead designer on an upcoming iOS game called Allied Star Police.

Allied Star Police is a sci-fi real-time strategy game where you play as a base commander who must deploy "automated battle machines" and "targeted ballistic ordnance" in an effort to fight of a race of aliens known as the Flamions. GameSetWatch reports that Owain, who was diagnosed with Leukemia last year, has been visiting the Seattle-based PopCap Games every week helping to create Allied Star Police. You can see one of these visits in a clip from Q13 Fox News who recently reported on the story (video is in Flash):

Allied Star Police is still under development and could be as much as a few months from releasing, and PopCap has stated that 100% of the proceeds from the game will go right back into the Make-A-Wish foundation. We wish Owain luck in his new endeavor as a game designer, and we'll let you know when the game is released in the App Store. There is currently a thread discussing Allied Star Police in our forums, as well.

[Via Kotaku and GameSetWatch]

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