John Carmack, technical director of Id Software and founder of Armadillo Aerospace, has a lot on his hands these days. Aside from building rockets, he's also been hard at work on Rage, an upcoming first person shooter. Not much is known about Rage yet, aside from a few details that have leaked out along side the various game trailers over the years it has been in the works.

Carmack went on to surprise everyone at QuakeCon this year when he showed the game running at a solid 60 fps on an iPhone 4. Rage is still in development for both the PC and iPhone, and won't be released until next year. In the meantime, John Carmack has stopped by our forums and is asking forum members what things they commonly see developers doing wrong in iPhone games. He's compiling these suggestions in to a list that Id Software is going to do their best to adhere to them in future titles.

If you've got something you'd like to see become standard in iPhone games, please leave your comments in John's thread.

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