Its a fact, majority of car accidents involving pedestrians happen at low speeds. Alot of times, its because were not paying attention to the road while were driving because we think were being safe cruising at low speeds. In this latest development in safety tech from Volvo another one, the Swedish carmaker makes use of radar technology to constantly detect for signature of humans while the car is on the move.

Unlike Volvos epic fail of automatic braking for vehicles a few months back, this on the other hand actually works. Volvo say this technology is different, as it also detect for our bodys water composition allowing their cars to distinctly tell humans from other objects or vehicles.

So are we dipping into the era of accident free driving? Not quite just yet, a major limitation is, this technology wont work when youre travelling above 22 mph. In addition, Volvo is still working on the height issue which will be particularly important for kids not accompanied by their parents. Check it out in action, in the video below�

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