The first Infinity Blade [$5.99] update Chair Entertainment spoke about last week is coming tomorrow, according to a recent press release. As mentioned, this "booster pack" raises the game's cap to 40 to 45 courtesy of the five new swords, shields, helmets and the additional set of armor it adds. The update also adds the Marrow Fiend to the game, the first of several new enemies promised to come in later updates.

There are a couple of surprises bundled into this booster as well. One of those aforementioned helmets will be a "Santa-themed" helm. Also, Chair has added the ability to listen to your own music while playing through the game on top of several bug fixes and "optimizations."

Perhaps the biggest surprise is that this update will allow you to purchase gold in the game with real world cash. Chair PR says it's added this due to "popular demand," but something tells us the smell and taste of green was a great motivator, too. And good on them, really. Chair created a fantastic game, released it at a low price, and deserves the extra money.

However, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the game's precious balance is maintained in future updates and DLC � either paid or free � moving forward. I'd hate not to get rewarded with as much gold as I'm accustomed to because people like to buy fake currency with real currency. Benefit of the doubt, though. Again, Chair did a bang-up job on Infinity Blade. It's one of the coolest iOS titles this year, for sure.

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