We have a good news for the Motorola Droid Pro owners. Verizon Wireless has recently released a software update for the Motorola Droid Pro smartphone. The latest version is numbered 2.26.60 and it comes with numerous enhancements and improvements. Check out the complete changelog below.
- Improved audio on voice calls.
- Improved stability and performance.
- User interface display now refreshes when user switches from GSM/UMTS communication to Global Mode.
- Device now prepends 011 to Country Code to send SMS messages.
- Global Mode no longer resets when connecting to a USB charger.
- Visual Voice Mail now detects airplane mode while Wi-Fi is active.
- Prompt return to full screen brightness after wake-up.
- Upgraded Bluetooth firmware.
- Improved interoperability with Microsoft Internet Application Gateway (IAG) configurations.
- Device string format for Exchange changed to include device name and version number.
- Upgrade to Google applications Release 7
- Improved audio during voice calls.
- Reduced user interface lock-ups.
The latest software update can be easily downloaded from Over-The-Air (OTA). It is always advised to backup your data before updating the device. For step-by-step instructions on how to perform the download, head over to this page.
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