Internet Explorer might be the most popular browser today but we all have to admit that its popularity is declining. With Chrome and Firefox around, Microsoft will have a lot of work in its hands in order to be competitive. It seems that Microsoft has taken its job seriously and has released Internet Explorer 9 beta.

As mentioned earlier, Microsoft is losing market share with Internet Explorer since its popular browser isn't following the latest standards. Microsoft is planning to take the market back with latest version of Internet Explorer, or it will at least try to keep its market share and stop the progress of Google Chrome and Firefox.

One of the complaints about Internet Explorer 8 was its speed, and according to users, browser itself was slow. Microsoft is going to change that because Internet Explorer 9 comes with redesigned user interface and improved speed. In addition, Internet Explorer 9 is the first browser that will use full hardware acceleration when you're surfing the internet. Besides improved user interface and hardware acceleration, Internet Explorer 9 brings support for the latest standards such as HTML5, CSS3 and SVG2.

It seems that Microsoft is really working hard on the latest version of Internet Explorer, but will IE 9 have what it takes to compete with other major browsers on the market such as Firefox and Google Chrome? We're guessing that only time will tell and until the final version of Internet Explorer 9 is available make sure that you check out the new beta.

[via Ubergizmo]


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