World has gone online. We watch movies, listen to songs, chat with friends, shop online and what not? Internet has expanded its horizon to ultimate levels yet something which we haven't achieved is the live streaming of every�possible�cable network channel.
Many have tried (and most of them failed) to deliver paid (and even free) live streaming of videos but most of the times due to various constraints every organization hasn't�achieved�the smoothness that customers dream of. Well, the days of darkness seem to be disappearing as of now. YouTube is testing live streaming and soon we might end up calling YouTube as LiveTube (not literally though!)

This new platform integrates live streaming directly into YouTube channels; all broadcasters need is a webcam or external USB/FireWire camera. Included in the test is a "Live Comments" module which lets you engage with the broadcaster and the broader YouTube community. For the purpose of the trial, this offering will only be available today and tomorrow. Based on the results of this initial test, we'll evaluate rolling out the platform more broadly to our partners worldwide.

There surely will be some issues with the testing of live streaming feature but we hope that the end results turn out to be positive.

[via YouTube Blog]


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