We know that robots can do many things nowadays, this latest robot though takes the conversation with people to a whole new level.�In the past, there were robots that could talk to humans, but the latest conversation robot called SCHEMA and is the first robot that can talk with multiple people at the same time. SCHEMA robot is the third generation conversational robot and Waseda University's Perceptual Computing Laboratory is developing it.

The unique thing about this robot is that it can listen to the conversation and join when asked a certain question that is based on a current topic. Another thing that makes this robot special is the ability to recognise new people that join the conversation and greet them by name. This robot can talk with the third person about the topic from the previous conversation or start a completely new conversation about some other topic.

Robotics is developing rapidly and SCHEMA is a great step towards communication between robots and humans, and we're positive that we'll see more robots like this in the future.

[via Ubergizmo]

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