According to an announcement on the Facebook blog, it seems that Facebook will take some serious steps related to improving the security of their social network, and these steps include encrypted connections.

Since we all share personal information on Facebook, it's more than necessary to ensure that your personal information is safe from malicious users, therefore Facebook decided to use encrypted pages.

According to Facebook, encrypted pages could take longer to load, but with HTTPS you won't have to worry whether will anyone track your personal data. In addition, Facebook is planning to add another feature that will help you to protect your account if it ever gets compromised. For example, if someone gets your login data, and starts using your account, Facebook will require that person to identify pictures of your Facebook friends. This sounds like a great idea, but you might have to delete all those people that you don't know, in case that you somehow compromise your own account.

These security improvements sound good, but so far, we don't know if its definite that they be implanted.

[via Ubergizmo]

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