That's right, this is a game that you play in a public toilet while urinating, and in order to play it you need to use your urine. We know that it might sound a bit gross, but the weirdest thing about it is that Sony is the developer of this project.

This interesting device is called Toylet and it will include Mannekin Pis that will calculate the velocity and volume of the urine and use that data in the game. As for available games, there are three games so far such as Graffiti Eraser, The North Wind and Her. As for availability of Toylet, it's currently available in metro stations, and if it gets any more popular, we should see it in other public loos.

This is surely a weird concept, but it can make the few seconds of public toilet usage a bit more interesting. And if you want to show off to your friends, you can save your stats and top scores on a USB flash drive, now that is just sad.

[via Ubergizmo]

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