Google officially launched Android 2.3 last month which is known as Gingerbread, and at CES 2011, some manufacturers also introduced Android 3.0 a.k.a Honeycomb devices. Android 3.0 is specially designed for tablets, and Honeycomb powered tablets will be out soon, whereas Android 2.3 is for smartphones and other devices. Our friends over at TechCrunch are saying that the next version of Android will be Android 2.4, and it will be known as Ice Cream Sandwich. Well, the name makes sense because all the versions of Android are named on sweets i.e. Cupcake, Donut, Éclair, Froyo, Gingerbread and Honeycomb. It's rumored that Android 2.4 will be out this summer as a successor to Android 2.3. May be Google will announce it Google I/O 2011.
Google has divided Android into two divisions. Android 2.x series is a series of Android OS for smartphones, whereas Android 3.x is for tablets. So I think Android 2.4 will only hit smartphones and other compatible devices. And may be Google will also launch Android 3.1 or 3.2 sometime later this year, which will be an update only for tablets. So Android fanboys and girls, are you happy to hear that?
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