With the development of technology, we see all sorts of prosthetic devices introduced to help improve lives of the people that have lost their limbs, and today we have a more affordable and yet safer prosthetic arm that we want to show you.

What's so special about this arm is that it is designed by two undergraduate students from Ryerson University in Toronto, and although it's not the best looking and most advanced prosthetic arm on the market, it's one of the cheapest and safest there is. Unlike other prosthetic arms on the market, this one uses simple pneumatic pumps, valves, and a tank of compressed air for movement, and therefore it costs a lot less than the current prosthetic arms available on the market.

As for the safety, in order to use this device, no invasive surgery is required and no reconnection of nerves is needed. Instead, in order to control this arm, you just need to wear a special device on your head that sends impulses to the device itself.

So far, we don't know when we'll see this device or how much will it cost, but we can't wait to hear more.

[via Ubergizmo]

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