Monday, July 4, 2011 7:21 AM
Micromax has entered into a partnership with Nazara Technologies which is the exclusive partner for EA Games ( Electronics Arts) in India. EA is famous for games like Need for Shift , Fifa , Cricket and soon these games will be pre-loaded on Micromax phones.
Users will be able to play these games for free for 5 times after which they would have to purchase it outright for Rs.49 or Rs.99 depending on the game. The company is claiming to have support for operator billing and has managed to offer even a day pass for Rs.3 per day for a game.From the specs of Micromax phones, these games are mostly J2ME / Java games which were a craze few years back.� Currently operators also offer similar games through their WAP portals but I'm not sure if they are compatible with Micromax phones. What do you think about this move by Micromax ?
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