Good news if you're a Konami fan: the Japanese publisher and creator has received the July 4th memo being passed around, and as a result, most of its titles on the App Store are now listed at a paltry $.99 instead of their standard prices.

For a limited time the over-the-shoulder shooter based in the Metal Gear universe, Metal Gear Solid Touch, as well as Silent Hill: The Escape, and Castlevania Puzzle: Encore of the Night are up on the price-chopping block. These are easily the brightest of Konami's various releases, but there's some other goodies being offered, too, including the arcade brawler X-Men, which just came out a month or so ago.

Not a bad list at all. Even though it's older, I highly suggest Metal Gear Solid Touch, if only because it's based on�Metal Gear Solid 4's ludicrous�story. You'll learn what "crazy" is after you give that thing a spin. X-Men is a good one, too.

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